Wednesday, March 3, 2010


All today, I am writing my first blog on photography.

A Camera.

Lot many people think great pictures come from great cameras. They don't; they come from great photographers. Great photographers are great creators next to great musicians. Give a dumb camera to a nice photographer, he will get the picture right. Give a nice camera to a dumb, he will never get a picture at all.

K, what makes a great picture? Or at least a nice picture? I am not going to say here, how to take a great photo and what is needed for doing that! Because, thousand other blogs are doing that, and million other tutorials are available online to explain both technically and logically on handling the camera.

But I can definitely say how to look at a picture and understand it from its properties. A digital photo is saved as jpg (jpg, bmp, tiff are some of the file extensions for pictures. Check out Wikipedia for more on file types) and along with it, the pictures 'EXIF' properties are also saved. Most modern day cameras stores the exif properties when a picture is saved as jpg. There are number of free softwares available online to read the exif properties of an image. If you are using Windows xp and above, this is automatically shown when you are viewing the picture properties. Most online photo storage sites also provide these properties for a photo you are viewing.

Why do we want to look into these properties? Because, these give you technical details of the photograph like exposure, aperture, metering mode etc. And, inspiring from others creations is the best way to learn and master the art of photography. By understanding them, you can understand more dimensions of a picture.

Also, take more time to see a picture. Look how it is composed, what patterns do you see? What is the subject of interest for the photographer? What colors have been captured? What contrasting objects do you see? How much is the lighting? (Each of this items deserve a separate study). A final question...Why did the photographer choose this composition?

Getting answers to these questions at once is not going to help. Do one by one. Learn one and apply the same  when you go out next time for picturing.

Now, click the links below to look at these nice pictures taken with not so great cameras. I purposefully chose some day to day photographs which should be possible by a normal camera and a beginner photographer... As I said, check out the properties of the picture. Hope, this inspires some....

Enjoy your photography

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice insight of photography for beginners like me. You have got a great set of pictures lined up in flickr. If you could add some of your experiences / challenges you faced while picturing those like lighting, angles, etc, it will help people a lot to look.
