Monday, February 1, 2010

iAnything from Apple

This is my first blog ever!

iPad! Why iPad? This question never came, when iPhone was born or when iPod touch was born. For some reasons, iPad does not seem to arrange itself into Apple's list of products. The first thing that comes into my mind is the display. Good for watching movies, playing games, but for reading books (which is what it is targeted for), it may not be a right candidate. It is missing e ink. Again on the browsing, it follows iphone, and has best user experience........but, wait a minute.....there is no flash. Those are the big drawbacks, on something you see. Another big one is about something you cannot see, yes, a camera in the front for chat.

Definitely, iPad would have been a great device with all the three above. I don't understand what Apple had in its mind...

On the other hand, iPad is the coolest and stylish device. Great looks with a nice big silver logo. Put it in a case, you like a professional. It is by far the sexiest device, as a portable, no....e book size iPod what should I call it?

Lets wait and see!


  1. Good one Amudh, and a good start as well.
    With iPad, it is true that apple has not come out with anything new/radical from what we knew already. The media still hypes about it, although we may not see crowd waiting in long lines on the release day. I still believe iPad will have its niche market, especially the savior for newspaper industry (Read NY Times :-( ). Lets see if Apple can pull its magic yet again. Anyways, Keep it coming Dude!

  2. Oops, I almost forgot about your flickr pictures. Great pictures, Amudh. Consider blogging about pictures, photography techniques and composition of your pictures.
